Super Flower Blood Moon Energy

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Tonight is the Super Flower Blood Moon.

It’s a good time to set an #intention to release and let GO of some things OR you can just let the universe hit DELETE and surprise you!

When we focus on allowing our highest good to manifest without attachment, what is no longer for you falls away and out of your #frequency without much effort.

So, my intention tonight is just to see this amazing feat of nature through the lens of my own eyes.

Not through the lens of a camera. Not through the lens of #astrology. Just me + the moon + divine presence.

If we simply focus on being present, the constant thirst to capture, keep and consume starts to wane. There’s no shopping on the moon yet, so we have a real opportunity to be still and plug into source.

If we give our complete attention to the moment without digital distractions ... we have a chance to recharge our spirits and fill up our cup with this rare, precious and abundant Full Moon Energy.