Intention of The Week: Just For Today Will Not Be Angry!

This week’s intention is one of the most powerful reiki precepts or principles…

 “Just For Today, I Will Not Be Angry.”

This intention offers us an opportunity to notice how and when anger shows up in our lives.

Whenever we feel our anger rising we can become aware of it in the present moment if we choose to do so.

Later, when we have a moment, we can look inward and ask ourselves…

*What are we really upset about?
*In what moment is our anger truly rooted?
*Is our anger buried under a more palatable emotion like depression, sadness, or indifference?
* How is your anger showing up in your body and life overall?
*Are you experiencing “righteous anger” as a result of an on going social issue?
*Who are you mad at and what relationship needs healing or forgiveness.

Uncovering the root of our anger can help us discover clues that will increase our emotional intelligence within. Becoming aware of our anger can also lead us back to ourselves and a feeling of true wholeness by claiming not just our light, but our shadow side, too!

I’d love to hear your experience of this intention during the week so drop a comment.

evolyn brooks